Keeping our children safe is a part of every day.
McGinnis Woods School is committed to providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff. Learn more about our Covid-19 safety protocols as well as the general safety measures in place every day at our school.
Covid-19 Safety Protocols
McGinnis Woods School is committed to implementing CDC guidelines to provide a safe learning environment for our students and staff.
Our Covid-19 safety protocols include:
- Every building on campus treated as a mini school
- Only students and staff may enter buildings
- Parent meeting held on Teams or Zoom
- Daily completion of a wellness check for students and staff on the McGinnis Woods School App which requires response to the following:
- Is the student is experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms
- Has the student come in contact with anyone with Covid-19
- Does the student have a family member awaiting Covid-19 test results
- Daily temperature check by parents
- Student App checked and all students temperature checked during carpool
- All staff wearing masks
- Masks and Face shields optional for students unless distancing can not be achieved, then school masks are required (example: reading group)
- Reduced in-person class size with distancing
- Frequent handwashing
- Lunch in the classrooms
- Specials Teachers travel to classrooms for instruction
- Limited movement throughout the school campus
- Frequent fogging of rooms with CDC approved antibacterial disinfectant
- Part-time Nurse on staff
- Virtual tours available through Teams or Zoom
General Safety Measures
The school also implements the following general safety measures:
- Safety cameras – Cameras are located throughout the school (interior and exterior).
- School App – McGinnis Woods has its own app which makes accessing school documents, calendars and communication with teachers convenient.
- Seatbelts on all school buses – every school bus at McGinnis Woods is equipped with seat belts, and children are taught bus safety prior to off-campus field trips.
- Security key entry to each building – each parent is required to have a security key for entry into any of the school buildings.
- Fencing around entire campus.
- School buildings set far back from street of entry.
- Playground areas – divided by age group, with proper mulching.
- School Intranet – available only to parents, teachers and students. This password protected online community enables immediate communication by allowing the school administration to post important messages online, including inclement weather or emergency notices. Teachers update class web pages weekly.
A Note from a McGinnis Woods Parent
Thank you so much! Our son absolutely LOVES school and looks forward to it every day so far . Today was the first day he was hesitant about going to school due to the weather and hurricanes approaching ????. We are still struggling with this but it’s going to take some time as I explained in the email to his teacher. Thank you to all your amazing and very dedicated staff for being patient and loving towards our son. We are all feeling the love and support. What a major game changer it has been to this family as a whole to see him happy in an academic environment he enjoys and loves. primarily, he told me he feels “safe” at his new school which made me so emotional because I know that is a constant thought in his head. He needs to feel “safe” everywhere he goes in order to function. Thank you for checking in and look forward to a successful, stress-free 4th grade year.