Students at McGinnis Woods enjoy a variety of enrichment programs, in addition to their academic curriculum.
- Foreign Language (Spanish) – the children learn through speech, music, and special projects.
- Music, Band / Chorus (4th – 8th)
- Art
- Health Education – taught by the school RN
- Physical Education
- Library Sciences
- Media Center and Computer Instruction
Counseling – McGinnis Woods has a guidance counselor on staff, who teaches conflict resolution and successful interaction skills, as well as assists our children and parents with any special concerns they may have.
After School Offerings:
Private Lessons – many activities are also available through private and small group lessons at McGinnis Woods after school hours. Activities include piano lessons, karate, cheerleading, among others.
Group/Team Activities – McGinnis Woods also has several Spring and Fall soccer teams that play through the Johns Creek United Methodist Church, as well as a Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts troops.
Discovery Clubs – teacher led clubs taught 3 times a year. Class topics range from paper pizazz, cooking, sensational science to flag football.