Our Fourth graders are introduced to more complex ideas and programs. The children focus on thematic units and study other times, places and cultures in great depth. Students are given the opportunity to do many hands-on science experiments and work in our outdoor classroom.
Our children are also taught to be leaders and mentors to the younger children, through the “Buddy Program” with the Kindergarteners. This is a tremendous confidence builder, as well as reinforces learning by allowing the older children to assist the younger children with certain activities. Both age-groups love this program.
McGinnis Woods Country Day School is committed to helping your child reach his/her highest potential while developing and maintaining a life-long love of learning.
Our Fourth Grade program allows opportunities for your child to grow and develop at their own rate in all areas of development: emotional, physical, social, and intellectual.
Field Trips are enjoyed monthly to reinforce classroom learning. Parents are always encouraged to join us.