These 4th grade classes are on an adventure at Nature’s Classroom in Alabama. They have been super busy traveling, settling in and learning about the great outdoors!
The students and their fearless leaders had an amazing time at Nature’s Classroom. They hiked, navigated tight places, played games, made candles, and so much more. We’re glad they had this unique opportunity to learn!
More About the Overnight Field Trip
Wednesday, March 27th, the 4th grade llamas went to the beautiful Nature’s Classroom in Alabama. This was their first overnight trip without parents, and they had a blast and grew even closer together as a group! While there, students learned everything from how to make natural skincare to surviving in the wilderness!
They hiked challenging trails and shimmied up boulders; they created inventions to help the environment, took part in team-building activities, and even experienced challenges that people with disabilities might face. It was an amazing adventure, full of memories that will last a lifetime!