For well over a decade, the first grade classes at McGinnis Woods Country Day School have been taking an unusual field trip every December. Most of our field trips complement, and bring to life, our Science and Social Studies curriculum.
But not this one.
Every December, our school’s first grade classes have been going to the Build-ABear Workshop at the North Point Mall. Now, every six and seven-year-old that you know, would certainly love to head to the mall and construct a new, stuffed buddy for themselves! But this trip isn’t about that.
This field trip is about understanding.
It is about empathy, compassion and giving.
Difficult though it was, all of the stuffed bears that our first grade students made are to be given to families in need. Thanks to a partnership with the wonderful people at The Children’s Wish Foundation, each of these special bears that our first graders made are matched up with a child who could really use a furry friend.
Not only does this field trip provide an opportunity to give back to the community around us, it gives us a chance to teach the children how to take a step back and see all the good things that they have in their own lives. We wanted to teach the students not to take for granted all the little luxuries that they enjoy each day. To simply make them conscious of it.
- They all have a warm place to stay.
- They all have their health.
- They all have a family who loves them.
So this field trip, different though it may be, is perhaps the most important trip we take all year. It helps open the children’s eyes to see how truly lucky they are and, just as importantly, helps those who need it most during the Holiday Season. We are so proud of our Falcons!