McGinnis Woods School, a private school in Alpharetta serving Infants through 8th grade, has released its comprehensive plan for reopening in August for the 2020-2021 school year. The school began developing its plans and procedures for reopening immediately after the last school year ended. Mary Johnson, the Principal at McGinnis Woods, emphasized that “the health …
Press Releases
McGinnis Woods Country Day School Earns Continuing SACS CASI Accreditation
Alpharetta, Georgia, August 8, 2019 – Principal Mary Johnson announced today that McGinnis Woods Country Day School earned continuing accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), an accreditation division of AdvancED. This action was taken at the AdvancED Accreditation Commission meeting held in Alpharetta, Georgia …