As January is coming to a close and so is our basketball season. Both basketball teams’ seasons have been rewarding and challenging for our student athletes and athletic program. They have run into some great competitors in the M.A.A.C. Division Three. Girls Basketball Team The girls had a fantastic season. Their numbers were small, yet …
After School
Music in Me Offered in Preschool and After School Program
McGinnis Woods is pleased to have Ms. April Dudson and her Music In Me classes offered at McGinnis Woods. Music in Me is a children’s music and movement class which incorporates April’s original music and lessons. She has a studio location, participates in the Little Acorns program at The Avalon and presents weekly classes at …
After School Discovery Clubs News
Our first session of Discovery Clubs is underway and the students are having a wonderful time learning new skills and developing new talents. This session will run from August 26th through October 11th. Discovery Clubs run four times each year and feature teacher led experiences that focus on many of the students’ interests. Currently we …