Spaghetti Dinner: 5:30pm-6:30pm Math & Science Night: 6:00pm-7:30pm ***Mark your calendar and join us for an exciting and educational evening as we kick off our 11th annual Family Math & Science Night*** Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 Parents and students will have fun investigating and learning together. There are several activities and hands on experiences for …
STEM Lab & Technology Fair
STEM Lab McGinnis Woods Country Day School is excited about the many hands on STEM activities which students in PreK -8th grade are immersed in each week. The STEM Lab is always buzzing with the sounds of the 3D printer, robots, building, and collaboration as the children work with the STEM teacher to solve real …
Sunsational Summer Camp 2017 Starts May 30th!
McGinnis Woods will be hosting its Sunsational Summer Camp from May 30 – August 4, 2017! Campers will spend each day participating in fun activities featuring unique themes including nature walks, art, field trips, STEM activities, computers, and daily group games in our beautiful air conditioned gym. Additional Specialty and Academic Camps offer a variety …
National School Choice Week at McGinnis Woods
We are excited to be celebrating National School Choice Week during the week of January 23 through 27, culminating with our Open House on Saturday, January 28 from 1:00-3:00pm.So much is in the news these days about schools and the many challenges which they face each and every day. Scholars and experts believe that the …
Sunsational Summer Camp Begins May 31!
Summer is approaching quickly and we are getting more and more excited about our Sunsational Summer Camp here at McGinnis Woods! Our Sunsational Summer Camp is filled with with exciting themes and field trips, caring counselors, daily water park, STEM classes and so much more. We have many guest speakers and in-house field trips scheduled …
Plans for Summer Camp Underway
Summer will soon be upon us and we’re busy planning our Sunsational Summer Camp 2016! We are ready for an amazing summer filled with great exciting themes, caring counselors, super activities, interesting field trips, daily STEM activities, water play and much more. We have amazing art projects planned and special guests scheduled to keep our minds …
Technology Education Abounds!
We’re so excited about all of the new technologies we have at McGinnis Woods this year! We have added additional iPad minis in the Pre-K classrooms to be used at center times and new tablets in the elementary and middle school Technology lab. The school also purchased two Meccanoid robots for our students to learn …
Join Us for Parents Night Out and Kendra Scott Gives Back
Join us on October 2 for a night filled with fun. We will be hosting a Parents Night Out from 5:45-9:30 p.m. for infants through 5th grade. Parents Night Out is a safe, fun night staffed by caring teachers and staff. Parents can drop their children off for a themed night which includes dinner, crafts, …
Fall Sports Off to a Strong Start
Our Wildcats are off to a great start! Many of our Middle Schoolers are participating in Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country this fall. Soccer Our soccer team is young, but talented. We have 8 fifth graders on our team this year so watch out in 2018! We are fortunate enough to be coached by Coach …
Back to School and Curriculum Nights
Back to School Excitement We were thrilled to welcome our students and their families at our annual Back to School Picnic on Saturday, August 8. That seems like a long time ago as the school year is now in full swing and everyone has settled into a comfortable learning routine. Students have done a fantastic …
Boosterthon Returns to McGinnis Woods
Boosterthon Kick off Fun We are excited to host the 9-day Boosterthon Fun Run as this year’s fundraiser. We kicked off the fun, healthy, character-building program on February 10 with 2 pep rallies in the gym: PreK –2nd graders met at 10:00 a.m. and 3rd-8th graders met at 10:40 a.m. Rock’in Town Live Students will …
Parent’s Association 2014 Holiday Shop
The PA Secret Holiday Shoppe opens today! This is a wonderful way to let your student shop for special gifts while supporting our school.